woensdag 9 februari 2011


Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Don't the Anglo-Saxons have such wonderful proverbs for just about everything?
Then again, it's not just them. Proverbs galore in most languages. One for every sentiment. And even a few that don't really seem to fit anywhere at all.

But that was not what I wanted to talk about.
Doesn't it usually happen like that though? Especially with me, that is.
You start off with this great idea for a conversation. You have it all worked out in your head.
And then you trail off. Slowly but surely. Until the point where you, by god, can not remember where the frag you were headed.
Problem is, though you don't remember the destination, you do remember it was going to be something fantastic. Awesome, even.

I recently invented a new word. Though it has probably been invented before.
So lets say I "discovered" it. Like fire, or America (if we're talking vikings or Spanish, that is, not if we're talking prehistoric native-american like folk) (though, at that point, of course, they weren't "native". They had only just arrived! No use getting ahead of ourselves).
But different.

Awesomenosity. It combines Awesomeness with a suffix as found in words like "Generosity".
Which is pretty cool, you have to admit.
If you're really feeling wild, you can even combine it with another favourite of mine.
"Awesomecookies". Though, you'll have to admit, that might be takings things too far.
Like Napoleon and Hitler in Russia.

Seven extra men at the beginning of every turn, but you could never fraggin' hold it.
Papua New Guinea, that's where it is.

But I guess you already knew that.
Didn't you?

By the way: listen to Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges.
It's very BrightEyesk, I know. But give it a shot.