zondag 9 mei 2010

It's in the little things

A) you eat with your hands when possible. This is why, in restaurants, they give you a little finger bowl with a little piece of lemon in it.
B) "raw" vegetables are generally limited to a piece (sometimes cut into circles, sometimes not) of onion and some pickled lemons. I don't like lemons.
C) Bacardi breezer is a commonly accepted drink for adults.
D) Precious few have probably noticed this, but the handle on escalator generally goes a tiny bit faster than the steps. Well, in India, though even less have probably noticed this, it's the other way around.
E) Jobs are the yin and yang for Indians. The Alpha and Omega. You'll only have friends who have a career or are trying to get ones, and those friends won't have time for you, because they have a career or are trying to get one...

1 opmerking:

  1. Hehe, indeed hadn't noticed item D...

    Btw, hadn't realized you were also from Belgium!
