zaterdag 4 september 2010

Browsing Through Brussels

I encountered five Swedish-speaking persons. I cannot but find this a tad ominous.

The first two I met in a shop, where I, minutes later, decided to buy a low-necked t-shirt. Blue. A guy & a girl, alternating between - what I presume was - their native tongue and English. They did not purchase.

The last three I met in a bar, where I enjoyed my usual cup-a-coffee & a cigarette, plural. Unlike the couple, these three females where more obviously of the Nordic persuasion. Blue-eyed & blond, medium height.

Two of them left on what I fathomed was a cigarette errand, based on the fact that they had just run out of their little sticks of death. I could no longer restrain myself. I addressed the remaining one.

Amanda & her two friends were backpacking through Europe. She liked Brussels and had spent a week here yesteryear. I like Brussels too. The connection was immediate, completely imaginary and, as connections are so often want to be, fleeting.

Turns out my accent was quite good.

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