We have a couple of premises here.
a) Indian Guy in The Simpsons speaks with a horrible accent
b) Cartoons are known to misrepresent (ethnic) minorities for the sake of humour
c) English is an official language in India. Might even be thé most common one. (They have alot of them)
This Might lead one to believe that the English of Indians might be slightly accented. A bit like the English of Americans or, God forbid, Australians.
It would, however, be more fitting to compare Indian English to Flemish Dutch. In all its lovely varieties. I, for one, sometimes have difficulties understanding some of our more... quixotic dialects. And I'm a native. I assume an inhabitant of the Netherlands would have more trouble understanding them.
Taking it one step further, I would imagine an American with a very good grasp of Dutch, almost, but not entirely a native speaker, would have to take pain to understand us.
And that's where the comparison comes in.
I'm the American in Flanders.
Less annoying and less loud, I hope - I admit the metaphor isn't entirely waterproof -, but still.
I Do Not Understand These People for about 50% of the time.
Which is not really handy when they're explaining things to you about your phone, your internet, your Certified Emission Reductions, your Clean Development Mechanism...
(even my expressions of despair seem like Indian words now...)
You will get used to it very quickly. I had the same with English even, in Manchester, took me a week before I understood what the hell they were going on about.