It’s difficult to move; breathe; think.
Thank god for air conditioning.
Never thought I’d believe that statement as much as I do now. Well, perhaps not the God bit. But the happiness when thinking about non-heat, about only slight humidity. Bliss.
Som picked me up. This other guy did too. It was the other one who held the paper with my name written on it in clumsy letters. It was the other one that took my baggage when I thought he wanted to give me hand. It was him that honked every 2 minutes of the half an hour ride. At the dogs, at the people, at the cars.

Cars… sounds insufficient to describe it though. An amalgam of tripods, bmw’s and scooters. Vehicles seems more appropriate. Driving through areas I would dub ‘slums’ but aren’t, apparently.
The air smells bad. Not rotten, but… bad. Goes wonderful with the heat though.
Som was kinda nice. Seemed vaguely amused by vandana being slightly annoyed at being woken up this morning. Can’t read him (yet) though.
“though” seems to be on the front of my mind. Might be a symptom of the mixed impressions I’ve been getting.
Will have to call Som or Vandana tomorrow “morning”. Asked when the people in India generally get up in the weekend. The elderly at 7 or 8, he said. Adolescents, having gone out till 3 in the morning – he made that sound as an outlandishly late hour – would sometimes stay in bed till 11 though. Shudder.
Don’t know if I’ll put my alarmclock tomorrow. Probably will.
Don’t want to make too bad an impression after all.Krish will arrive tomorrow. Or at least he should. ‘cept that there seem to be problems in Nepal. Didn’t enquire what kind of problems.Slept a couple of hours on the plane. So not tired.
Slight head ache already forming though.Reminds me of Som’s comment about how hot it is these days.
That even he thinks so.
38 degrees.
He said.
Shudder (bis)
Nighty night.
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