Ignored it.
Called Som around 12.
Gave me directions to meet him at the nearest mall at 1.30ish.

I did.People kept giving me looks. Asked Som about it.
Said it was either because I was so obviously waiting for someone (unusual in India?) or because of my hat.
Made me stand out, apparently. Decided to keep it nonetheless.
Bought groceries, oddly enough. Cornflakes (muesli like with added nuts), skimmed milk (aimed at losing weight, apparently), two “butter milks” (advised by Som, supposedly good against the heat), and a snickers.
Need to get money soon. Still have enough, I suppose, but didn’t really count on going grocery shopping on the first day.
Wore sandals and shorts today; seen Som wear them yesterday.
Stifling heat.
Didn’t find an adaptor for my cell & laptop though. Despite checking over 3 shops.
Thousands of uniformed guys, none of them able to give me useful advice. L
laptop & cell will die soon I suppose. Hope not before tomorrow, on my first day at the office.
The shop smelled like the grains I used to feed the chickens with. Oddness.
Security everywhere, I was frisked a number of times. Terrorist scare, it seems.
Stole toilet paper from the adjacent room. Which will be occupied soon, Som claimed.
Had a chat about religion and stuff. Som is a Brahman, and a firm believer in Shiva.
Saw it as odd that I was an atheist. Seemed slightly skeptical about it.
Will meet him later today, it seems. Will get a new cell phone/tariff tomorrow. I hope.
A couple of hours to kill. Feel like killing them on my laptop. But am afraid to kill the battery simultaneously. Friendly fire, so to speak.
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